Origin of Yoga

The basic problem of all living creatures is how to survive in a hostile world. Many generations ago, from the teeming human masses of the East, where man lived in ever-present dread of war, famine, disease, flood, invasion, Yoga, a method of attaining physical and mental peace and happiness under adverse and even horrible conditions, was introduced. Humanity, in essence, has changed little in the course of historic time. The philosophy of Yoga and its practice, which enabled its practionners to survive the stresses of their time, can also enable men of the modern Western world to achieve contentment and serinity in the face of wars, terrorims, economical crisis and other perils in a fastly changing world.

Scientists who tried to trace the beginnings of the practice of Yoga have found its principles well established as far back as when the written word was new. There are many "books" of Yoga among the oldest scripts of India. These refer to a far distant past in which the secrets of Yoga were passed by word of mouth. Only the Indian form of Yoga is well known in America and Europe, but there is evidence that Yoga was known to the Egyptians and Chinese and that there were monastic societies among the Hebrew Essenes who were groups of Yoga practitioners. Perhaps the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls will reveal some of the secrets that have been lost in the shadows of the years.

Warrior Yoga

Power Yoga is traditional astanga vinyasa yoga, a dynamic branch of classical hatha yoga. By using the traditional postures of yoga and putting them in a sequence of exercises including the Sun Salutation and Warrior Series, the body is in motion rather than at meditative rest. Power Yoga is series of postures linked on the backbone of the sun salutation, riding the breath to flow from one movement to the next. 

Power Yoga is its own form, but may draw from the heritage of Bikram's Yoga (basic yoga poses that can provide a vigorous work-out and challenge but are accessible to most students - see bottom of this page for more info) and Iyengar (with an eye on good alignment and form and longer holdings of poses in order to maximize health benefits). Power yoga is also practiced in a room heated to 30 degrees Celsius, to facilitate this heat generation.

Inner Awakening

Yoga is a scientific methodology of inner awakening - a process of inner transformation. Yoga is for everybody and everyone is welcome in any of my classes regardless of previous experience. There is an emphasis on working at your own edge and practicing yoga in your own body. 

Yoga is suitable for most adults of any age or physical condition. Because of the nonstrenuous nature of our approach to exercise, even those with physical limitations can find a beneficial routine of Yoga.

Yoga for All

Yoga is both a system of physical and meditative techniques involved on the journey and a description of the goal. Yoga is no longer a practice just for old hippies. Many modern students are affluent, and the consumer data shows they are willing to pay for quality service and added value. Yoga is universal, and anyone can do it - no matter how young or old you are, no matter how unfit you consider yourself. Whether you are a couch-potato or a professional athlete, yoga will help you in so many ways.

More than Exercise

Yoga is best known as a type of exercise system that stretches and strengthens the body through various poses known as asanas. But yoga goes far beyond just a mere exercise routine. Yoga is a mind-body practice in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) with origins in ancient Indian philosophy. The various styles of yoga that people use for health purposes typically combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation. Yoga is becoming popular because it has no side effects whatsoever. It gives long lasting results and is perhaps the only discipline that works as a deterrent to the development to any further disease without the help of any orally administered medicine.

Power Yoga

Power Yoga is a vigorous vinyasa-style class that emphasizes strength, endurance, and cleansing through a flow of postures connected on the breath to awaken vitality and inspiration. Held in a warm room. Power Yoga is a unique mind/body workout based on a form of astanga yoga. Students are led through a series of postures that help to strengthen and stretch the muscles while focusing on breathing. Power Yoga is a continuous series of vigorous non-stop exercises, accompanied by deep-breathing. Most Power Yogas are closely modeled on the Ashtanga style of practice but unlike Ashtanga, Power Yoga does not follow a set series of poses.

Ancient Wisdom

Yoga is a method of moving into stillness in order to experience who you are. It is also a way of learning to be centered so that you will have always, the clearest perspective on what is happening and are therefore able to respond in the most appropriate manner. Yoga is an exercise process that is also associated with Dhyana or Meditation and Pranayama or proper breathing. Different Yoga Institutes has been established to continue with the study, practice and research on yoga. Yoga is not merely a form of exercise for the body, but a path towards total harmony of body, mind and spirit. It is ancient wisdom for a healthier, happier and more peaceful way of living that ultimately leads to Self-realization, the union with the Self.

Yoga again

Yoga is among the oldest practice for self-development. Its approach is gentle, helping even the stiffest bodies to yield and become flexible in a gentle way. Yoga is never an excerice/ aerobics/ physio-therapy. It is not just doing asnaas or pranayamas or doing only meditation. Yoga is not a contest or a "quick fix.".Like the proverbial story of the tortoise and the hare, Yoga favors quiet, consistent application over theatrical displays and superficial accomplishments. It does not require that we transform ourselves overnight into something beyond our capacity.


Yoga is well-known for decreasing stress and building strength, flexibility, and balance. Research now suggests that yoga may provide other, substantial health benefits. Yoga is so rich and diverse; it would be impossible and perhaps destructive to set a single standard. The great master PATANJALI devised the system of YOGA as a means to elevate one’s consciousness. Yoga is not something that is done to you; it?s something you do. It?s a commitment to change and responsibility.