The Triangle Pose

Trikanasana is better known as the Triangle Pose. When you see the asanas, one can easily see why this name was given to this asana. It works every muscle in your body with the arms of the legs. It'sa great way to shed some excess weight that has been all year. 

This asana helps all those who have struggled with weight problems. It helps cure lumbago and rheumatism, a problem with the bottom of the spine. It is a good asana to his shoulders and arms more flexible. A rigid body can reach a state of flexibility, therefore, asanas. Has a direct impact on the muscles as you begin to do so. 

The neck and arm reach. Stretching the neck muscles and shoulders can help you recover from problems spondylitis. Spondylitis can be described as one of the most common problems faced by many, due to long hours of sitting on the computer. 

The menstrual cycle is the right time and with less pain. Any other problems with the menstrual cycle has been fixed, enjoy. The upper body is also very invigorating.  
Reduces the production of cortisol, a stress hormone, which helps you be less stressed. The hormone is regulated very well prevent many problems. 

By doing this exercise, legs and buttocks to strengthen and tone. Blood pressure problems have been corrected. If you suffer from constipation or digestion of the problem is best to help.