The spirit contains within it all potentialities, and as man progresses he unfolds new powers, new qualities, into the light. The Yogi philosophy teaches that man is composed of seven principles - is a sevenfold creature. The best way to think of man is to realize that the spirit is the real self, and that the lower principles are but confining sheaths. Man may manifest upon seven planes, that is, the highly developed man, as the majority of men of this age can manifest only upon the lower planes, the higher planes not having as yet been reached by them, although every man, no matter how undeveloped, possesses the seven principles potentially. The first five planes have been attained by many, the sixth by a few, the seventh by practically none of this race at this time. THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF MAN. The seven principles of man, as known to the Yogi philosophy, are herewith stated, English terms being substituted for Sanscrit words, so far as may be: 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Spirit. Spiritual-Mind. Intellect. Instinctive-Mind. Prana, or Vital Force. Astral Body. Physical Body.